This milestone demonstrates how the company and the IRSAP brand continue to be symbol of reliability and credibility in the heating and air conditioning industry.
| ABOUT US | In the October issue, the Corriere Termo Idro Sanitario, speaks of #system #NOW in the #special dedicated to "Home...
| EVENTS | On November 15 and 16, ARCHITECT@WORK will be held at Parc Chanot de Marseille. Meet our team and discover It Is, the...
| EVENTS | On October 6, IRSAP participated in the SVAI event in Verona, commemorating 40 years of activity. Some pictures of the...
We won! On Sunday, October 15, MaxiJena (the IRSAP-sponsored boat) won for the third time the Veleziana, the queen of the high seas...
| ABOUT US | Corriere della Sera, in a Living article, talks about the new #shapes and #finishes of #modern #radiators and how they can...
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