This milestone demonstrates how the company and the IRSAP brand continue to be symbol of reliability and credibility in the heating and air conditioning industry.

11 November 2019

| EVENTS |#openfactory19 - NOVEMBER 24"Open Factory" is the most important opening of industrial and manufacturing culture: an...

07 November 2019

| MEETING |Today the boys of IPSIA Enzo Bari from Badia Polesine came to visit our factories. They then visited the museum and...

06 November 2019

| TRAINING |Yesterday the last Irsap Experience training session was held for showroom operators.Present our collaborators from all...

30 October 2019

| TRAINING |On October 29th, at the ARRICHIELLO Ciro showroom in Naples, the meeting on Adaptive Climatic Ventilation took place, where...

24 October 2019

| TRAINING |On October 24th, at the multifunctional Experience area of our headquarters, the meeting on Adaptive Climatic Ventilation took...