This milestone demonstrates how the company and the IRSAP brand continue to be symbol of reliability and credibility in the heating and air conditioning industry.

11 Septiembre 2019

Also this year the school excellence award for the year 2019 was held.IRSAP has always encouraged the study, commitment and good will of...

04 Septiembre 2019

| AWARDS |It is a pleasure to come back from vacation and find on the desk the RedDot Yearbook with our Orimono, winner of RedDot Award...

03 Septiembre 2019

| EVENTS |On September 26 and 27, ARCHITECT@WORK will take place in the Paris Event Center.Meet our team at CORNER 98 and discover...

17 Julio 2019

| MEETING |Last week, a group of French installers from the "Groupe d'installateurs de Mulhouse" association came to visit our factories,...

11 Julio 2019

| TRAINING |On July 9, at the Hotel Là di Moret in Udine, the meeting on Adaptive Climatic Ventilation took place, where Easy Clima was...