This milestone demonstrates how the company and the IRSAP brand continue to be symbol of reliability and credibility in the heating and air conditioning industry.

| TRAINING | Thursday 24 was held a training event in the new Irsap Experience: reception areas, training, museum, showroom and...

| TRAINING | On April 13, 2018, together with company DUIM St. Petersburg. was held seminar of IRSAP products. Leading specialists and...

| EVENTS | Also this year the #giroditalia2018 honored us with its passage in front of our headquarters. Come on guys!!! #Giro101...

| TRAINING | Today there was a training course on new products and systems of controlled mechanical ventilation of IRSAP, with our...

| EVENT | On 7 and 8 June, ARCHITECT @ WORK will be at La Halle Tony Garnier in Lyon. Come and visit us and discover our Face...

| SCHOOL | On Tuesday, the 2nd year students of the Department of Industrial Engineering - DII University of Padua came to visit...

| TRAINING | Yesterday and today, a training course was held on the new IRSAP controlled ventilation systems and products, with some...

| SCHOOL | On May 10, 2018 was held IRSAP product presentation of advanced training courses for specialists in the field of construction...

| EVENTS | On Friday 4 May, at the headquarters of Arquà Polesine, the In-Company Visit of the former Bocconi students took place, with a...

| AWARD | On April 20, in Venice, the awards ceremony of the second edition of the Industria Felix Veneto Award was held, in...