This milestone demonstrates how the company and the IRSAP brand continue to be symbol of reliability and credibility in the heating and air conditioning industry.

30 Martie 2020

Millions of people are now locked in their homes. Never as in these days the house represents our safety and our warmth. Irsap warms this moment...

06 Martie 2020

| GREEN |M’illumino di Meno is the Day of energy saving and sustainable lifestyles launched by Caterpillar and Radio2 in 2005: the...

04 Martie 2020

| AWARDS |It has arrived: the yearbook of the GERMAN DESIGN AWARD 2020 with the photos of our M'AMA!Simplicity and substance, purity...

21 Februarie 2020

| TRAINING |On February 19th the meeting on Adaptive Climatic Ventilation took place, where Easy Clima was illustrated as an exclusive...