This milestone demonstrates how the company and the IRSAP brand continue to be symbol of reliability and credibility in the heating and air conditioning industry.
| EVENTS | Here is a short journey inside our stand, thanks to the Climart interview to our area manager Michelangelo Nasca. Come and...
| NOMINATION | MCE 2018 - NOW selected for the Innovation Efficiency Path. Our Smart Radiator System (WiFi) is nominated for the MCE...
| EVENTS | Great success for AQUATHERM MOSCOW 2018 !!! We want to thank you for your very numerous presence at the fair: you...
| EVENTS | MCE 2018 MCE is the most prestigious showcase and the global business platform for companies in the HVAC + R sector...
| AWARD | Today we want to summarize all the online newspapers, press, specialized sites, videos, etc. that talk about the award we...
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