
Bocconi Alumni Association


On Friday 4 May, at the headquarters of Arquà Polesine, the In-Company Visit of the former Bocconi students took place, with a visit to the plant and the new Experience area with museum section and showroom.

The initiative is organized by the Bocconi Alumni Association of Padua and Rovigo through its manager Andrea Rizzi, the Marketing Director of Irsap, Marco Rossi (former Bocconian student) and Matteo Sortino, a Bocconi University student.

Link Rovigo Oggi: http://rovigooggi.it/articolo/2018-05-06/la-bocconi-visita-l-irsap/#.Wu_7IKTRCrc

LInk Il Gazzettino: https://ilgazzettino.it/pay/rovigo_pay/la_bocconi_studia_l_irsap-3713357.html

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