
Architects Meet People 2019


We're almost there: ArchitectsMeetPeople at #MilanoDesignWeek2019 !!!

The photos of the protagonists of architecture at Milano Design Week, with a Polaroid POP.

Concept&Organization: TOWANT

DesignPartner: Ceramica Sant'Agostino, Irsap

Official Partner: Polaroid Italia, Brompton Junction Milano

Info: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в браузере должен быть включен Javascript. 

#architectsmeetpeople #PolaroidPOP #PolaroidItalia #AgostinoLover #irsap #TOWANT #architectsmeetpeople #h2otto #irsap #ceramicasantagostino #evento #event #milanodesignweek #milano #milan #design #fuorisaloni #salonedelmobile #salonedelmobilemilano #live #liveevent #polaroid #photo #foto