Green Week is an event dedicated to the green economy since 2011. The event proposes a tour to discoverthe "Factories of Sustainability", dozens of companies scatteredthroughoutItalythatrepresent the excellence of innovation in the green sector. The closing event of Green Week is the Festival of the Green Economy in Parma, with speeches by the mostimportantfigures in the field of sustainability.
For the 5th consecutive year, IRSAP was one of the SustainabilityFactories and hosted 30 universitystudents. During the tour, the studentswereintroduced to IRSAP's new vision and the activities related to environmental and social sustainabilityincluded in the multi-yearstrategic plan.
Participation in the initiativeis part of a long-term vision to transform IRSAP into an example of sustainabilitythat can directly or indirectly impact allits stakeholders.
As part of the 13th edition of Green Week (2-4 April 2024), IRSAP certified the entireSustainabilityFactoriesTour with "Be Emission Free", reducingits CO2 emissions by cancelling 2 VER (VerifiedEmissionReduction) certificates equivalent to 1,501 kg CO2.
Thanks to itschoice, IRSAP Spa contributes to the adoption of a business model thatrespectssustainabledevelopment and environmentalprotection.