
M’illumino di Meno 2021

M'illumino di Meno is the Day of energy saving and sustainable lifestyles launched by Caterpillar and Radio2 in 2005: the 2021 edition returns on Friday 26 March and is dedicated to the "Leap of species", the ecological evolution in our way to live that we absolutely must do to get out of the pandemic better.
The invitation of M’illumino di Meno 2021 is to tell the small and large leaps of species in our lives. Those already done and those planned: from mobility to living, from food to the circular economy.

IRSAP adheres to the initiative by preparing the installation of 10 charging stations for electric and plug-in cars.
The company plans to gradually replace the company car fleet with electric or plug-in vehicles in order to reduce CO2 emissions by 35%.

#illumino #milluminodimeno #energysaving #sostenibilità #ossigeno #cambiamentoclimatico #illumination #energysaving #sustainability #oxygen #climaticchange