
Red Dot Interview

​What’s behind an important, fascinating and challenging project as the NOW system one? We asked  the team working on it in these years to explain it to us. Here you are the answers… Enjoy it!What do you particularly like about own award – winning?We like that the person is the center, its own home, and the expression of a deep attention to the environment, all these things are  joined to high technology and connected to global language in a unique Italian styleIs there a certain design approach that you pursue?Realize a product that improves the life of the people who will use it, and that helps energy saving creating comfort, at the same time.What inspires you?The Nature’s functional  beauty and the crazy geniality of the Italian inventors of the Past.Is there a product / project that you have always dreamed about realizing some day?Every product we realize is a dream that becomes true.Is there a designer that you particularly admire?Antonio Citterio :  the simplicity’s research  although with  extreme attention to the innovation and the details.Do you have a motto for life?“ All know that a thing is impossible to be realized, until reaches a fool that doesn't know it and invents it”How do you define quality / design quality?Everything that makes a product more simple, useful and emotions’ generator.What do you see as being the biggest challenges in your industry at present ?Keep the current level of excellence and strong personality also in the new territories that our industry is starting to explore.What trends are currently having a particularly large influence on design?The research of stylization, connectivity and sociality at any cost, the technological innovation as industrial design’s  beating heart.What does winning the Red Dot : Best of the Best  mean to you?A big honor and an amazing opportunity to let know the passion for our Industry  that  took us to develop NOW.Moreover it is a great chance and a wonderful opportunity to promote the NoW’s knowledge.